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Introduction To Google’s Helpful Content Update Aug 2022

Google is taking steps to devalue unhelpful content on its search engine. This update will devalue any page created for the search engines with little value or too thin content. As a result, you may need to consolidate your content. Here we will discuss the impact of this change on your website traffic and small business rankings and how it affects content creators.

What is the Google Helpful Content update?

The update includes changes to the way Google displays content in search results. Content creators who optimize their work for the new Google update will see their articles, videos, and other creations appearing higher in search results. 

This will help them get more traffic and reach a larger audience. However, Google has not made any formal announcement about it yet. This is because webmasters need time to adjust their sites to accommodate the new changes.

Efforts to reduce unhelpful content

Google’s Helpful Content Update will reduce the amount of low-quality content and promote high-quality content in the SERPs. The update is aimed at preventing the growth of spammy websites and content that doesn’t add value to the reader. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) to detect spamming activities and provide quality information to all users.

The update is expected to impact all content on the web. However, it will be more severe for sites with shopping, education, entertainment, and technology content. The update weighs content in a particular way, so websites with much unhelpful content will be affected more severely than those with a few pages of such content. Ultimately, you want your website to provide a positive user experience to visitors, and it’s critical to ensure your website is as helpful as possible.

The update will impact affected websites over months. Sites must remove unhelpful content and prove they have best practices for publishing people-friendly content. After that, they’ll have to undergo probation to ensure they follow best practices. This is because Google doesn’t want content creators to go back to publishing unhelpful content.

Impact on small business rankings

The Google Helpful Content Update is rolled out on August 25th, 2022, similar to the Google Product Reviews Update. It will take approximately two weeks to roll out fully and will initially impact English-language searches only. In the future, the update will be expanded to other languages.

This update is intended to increase content visibility, providing a helpful experience for users. It will decrease the visibility of content that is written primarily for rankings. Google engineers found that people respond best to content that helps them. Essentially, this means that the more accurate and helpful your content is, the better your rankings will be.

As a writer, you should consider using customer personas to help you write people-first content. It will help you define your target audience and determine what content works for them. Another tip that helps you write great content is to create your content with an E-A-T focus. The E-A-T concept is an acronym for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Since the update focuses on trustworthiness, writing content that targets these elements is essential.

Impact on website traffic

The impact of Google’s “Helpful Content” update on website traffic is unknown. It’s unclear how the update will affect your traffic, but Google hopes to make its search results more human-friendly. Its new algorithm is based on a regularly tweaked automated learning algorithm. The algorithm considers many different signals to determine a page’s ranking.

The update is intended to provide a better experience for searchers. It will reward websites that feature high-quality content written by humans. It began rolling out on August 25th and is expected to be fully implemented by September 8th. The new algorithm will introduce a sitewide signal, affecting your entire website.

If you are a website owner, it’s best to understand what the update means for your business. You need to make sure your website is not overloaded with unhelpful content. While Google is not yet revealing how many pages have been affected, it will likely affect your overall website traffic.

What does this update mean for content creators?

In late August, Google rolled out a new update that allows users to flag “Helpful” content in search results. This means you can let Google know if you come across an article, how-to guide, or another piece of web content you found helpful. In turn, the search engine will take your feedback into account and use it to improve its search results for everyone.

This is an excellent way for Google to get direct feedback from users about what content is helpful.

How can you make your content more helpful?

You may have noticed changes to the search results pages if you use Google regularly. These changes result from the “Google Helpful Content Update,” which was designed to help users find the most relevant and helpful content for their needs.

The update includes several new features, such as “Featured Snippets” and “People Also Ask.” Featured Snippets are short summaries of articles that appear at the top of the search results page. At the same time, People Also Ask is a list of questions related to your original query.

Some helpful content ideas

Ask a question yourself about what your target audience will be searching for.

– Answer a common question that is asked by your target audience.

– Provide a list of resources to help solve the problem that your target audience is facing. 

What is the best way to measure helpful content? 

  1. Engagement: How often are people engaging with your content? 
  2. Reach: How many people are engaging with your content? 
  3. Quality score: How relevant is your content to Google’s users?


Google is constantly working to make its search results even more helpful. Google announced an update to its algorithm that will give preference to websites with references.

Suppose you’re looking for information on a particular topic. In that case, Google will now be more likely to show you results from websites that contain references to other sources. It is an excellent addition for anyone who wants to find reliable information on the internet.

Of course, this doesn’t mean every website with references will now be at the top of the search results. Google will still consider other factors, such as relevance and authority. But checking the references is an excellent place to start if you’re looking for high-quality information.  

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